编号:YL-YSK-400#-2000型 Number: YL-YSK-400#-2000 type 工作速度:10-150m/min Working speed: 10-150m/min 机械总功率:28KW Mechanical total power: 50KW 用途:本机主要适用于贴商标纸、PU/PVC皮革印刷的染色处理。 Purpose: This machine is mainly used in the dyeing process of label and PU/PVC leather printing. 凡是购买本公司产品,均可免费保修一年,终生提供技术支持,还有专门的师傅上门进行试机调试和培训! Any purchase of the company's products, can be free warranty for one year, provide technical support for a lifetime, there is a special master door to carry out testing and training of testing machines! 欢迎咨询: 全生 Q Welcome to consult: full health Q